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Algorithmic Risk & Impact Assessments
What you'll learn (11:09)
Before you get started
Course Resources
Week 1 - Foundations
The goals of an algorithmic risk and impact assessment (10:22)
A simplified framework (21:23)
Algorithms in context: the CIDA narrative (11:56)
Stakeholders: Interests, rights, and harms (14:08)
Metrics of a socio-technical system (13:34)
Practice Exercise 1: Putting your knowledge to work (66:48)
Week 2 - Practical Assessments
Case study introduction (6:20)
System analysis and stakeholder mapping (14:34)
Interviews (21:41)
Testing and evaluation (21:12)
Magnitude, likelihood, and risk prioritization (16:02)
Risk mitigation and residual risk (5:40)
Practice Exercise 2: Documentation (113:26)
Quiz - Algorithmic Risk & Impact Assessments
Quiz - Algorithmic Risk & Impact Assessments
Metrics of a socio-technical system
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