What you'll learn

This course works covers topics in technical testing of AI and algorithmic systems needed for auditors. Topics covered include:

  • Performance metrics for algorithmic systems
  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative
  • Sampling and estimation
  • Definition and types of bias and fairness

This course is part of a 5-course certification program for AI and Algorithm Auditors. Anyone can take the course and get a certification after an exam and exit interview.

About your instructor

Shea Brown is the founder and CEO of BABL AI, a research consultancy that focuses on the ethical use and development of artificial intelligence. His research addresses algorithm auditing and bias in machine learning, and he serves as a ForHumanity Fellow that sets standards for the organizational governance of artificial intelligence. He has a PhD in Astrophysics from the University of Minnesota and is currently an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Iowa, where he has been recognized for his teaching excellence from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

"Focused and clear walk through the emerging landscape AI ethics consulting. Can thoroughly recommend this course for all those interested in engaging in this area, regardless of background. Great for thinking through the transferable skills and knowledge you already have and identifying where you need to develop."

-- Dr Jacqui Ayling

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